5 Day Fasting Guide

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Introducing our 5-Day Fasting Guide - the perfect solution for anyone looking to kickstart their health journey and promote weight loss in a safe and sustainable way. This comprehensive guide includes everything you need to successfully complete a 5-day juice fast, including recipes for delicious and nutrient-rich teas and juices.

In the morning and at night, our fasting guide provides you with two delicious tea recipes to help you start and end your day on the right foot. Each tea is specifically designed to promote detoxification, boost energy levels, and support digestion. Our tea recipes are made from a variety of natural ingredients that are rich in vitamins and minerals, ensuring that you receive all the nourishment you need during your fast.

For the main part of your fast, our guide includes three juice recipes for each day - that's a total of 15 unique and delicious juice recipes! Our juice recipes are crafted to ensure that you receive all the essential nutrients and vitamins your body needs while on a fast. Each recipe is made from a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, ensuring that you receive a diverse range of vitamins and minerals to support your body throughout the fast.

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5 Day Fasting Guide

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